It's a personal choice that you have to make. It is also possible to find a balance between making something for the love of it, or making it for the money etc.
The optimal thing, I'd say, is if you get to work on a project that you really honestly like, and with a person who gives enough freedom to you and your music. And not only that, but a project that isn't in a hurry to be released, meaning you need not stress about getting the tracks done in time :p
But also, there is indeed nothing that obligates you to collaborate or work on/for projects. I know for sure that it's great to actually make music, just for the sake of making music :D
Do your thing ;)
Of course, being able to do something you like and making a living from it is the best thing that can probably happen. Truth is, finding what I really want is not that easy. I used to be satisfied working with the teams I was working with, but now, I'm not sure.
...Well, actually, the more I think about it, the more it seems to be because I've had enough of the projects I was working on. Thinking too much about something is not always good, and here, I'm really talking about years - literally. And I didn't find the courage to say goodbye to them because these two projects were probably the first two important projects I worked on, and two projects that I want to see become successful. At least, I don't let them without nothing - I've been able to form a small team before leaving, so they aren't left without resources, and I warned them a year ago I'd probably be less and less active in the team.
I still have to finish some work for them, but after that, I'll probably stop taking commissions for some time. Oh, and I also have two or three tracks to compose for another team, but it's in a very different style and I won't have to worry about creative freedom, so I'll be able to know whether it's because of some kind of lassitude on my old projects, or if it's because I don't want to work on projects anymore. So I guess I'll have the answer to all my questions in about 1-2 months, when I'll be done with all that stuff.
...I guess I really like learning through experimentation. xD
Anyway, I probably won't stop making music. I may have long breaks sometimes (when my studies are becoming a bit too time consuming :D), but I don't think I'll ever be able to stop making music completely. That thing should be considered as a drug. x)
I know exactly how you feel :)
It's a personal choice that you have to make. It is also possible to find a balance between making something for the love of it, or making it for the money etc.
The optimal thing, I'd say, is if you get to work on a project that you really honestly like, and with a person who gives enough freedom to you and your music. And not only that, but a project that isn't in a hurry to be released, meaning you need not stress about getting the tracks done in time :p
But also, there is indeed nothing that obligates you to collaborate or work on/for projects. I know for sure that it's great to actually make music, just for the sake of making music :D
Do your thing ;)
Ylmir (Updated )
Thanks for your comment !
Of course, being able to do something you like and making a living from it is the best thing that can probably happen. Truth is, finding what I really want is not that easy. I used to be satisfied working with the teams I was working with, but now, I'm not sure.
...Well, actually, the more I think about it, the more it seems to be because I've had enough of the projects I was working on. Thinking too much about something is not always good, and here, I'm really talking about years - literally. And I didn't find the courage to say goodbye to them because these two projects were probably the first two important projects I worked on, and two projects that I want to see become successful. At least, I don't let them without nothing - I've been able to form a small team before leaving, so they aren't left without resources, and I warned them a year ago I'd probably be less and less active in the team.
I still have to finish some work for them, but after that, I'll probably stop taking commissions for some time. Oh, and I also have two or three tracks to compose for another team, but it's in a very different style and I won't have to worry about creative freedom, so I'll be able to know whether it's because of some kind of lassitude on my old projects, or if it's because I don't want to work on projects anymore. So I guess I'll have the answer to all my questions in about 1-2 months, when I'll be done with all that stuff.
...I guess I really like learning through experimentation. xD
Anyway, I probably won't stop making music. I may have long breaks sometimes (when my studies are becoming a bit too time consuming :D), but I don't think I'll ever be able to stop making music completely. That thing should be considered as a drug. x)