Just thought it could be useful if anyone is interested in the (almost) complete list of stuff I have. If you want feedback on a specific item, feel free to ask in comments and I'll tell you what I think about it. ;)
Hardware :
Headphones : Sennheiser PX-100 II (now retired), Sony MDR-7506
Guitar : Ibanez RG1570Z-BK
Keyboard : Yamaha PSR-225GM
Mic : Shure 5655D
MIDI controller : An Xbox controller + GlovePIE
Sound card : POD Studio UX1
Software :
General :
Komplete 9
Orchestra & Choirs :
CineSamples CineSymphony LITE
East West Quantum Leap Symphonic Orchestra Silver
SoundIron Olympus Elements
Spitfire Albion Legacy
VersilianStudios' VSCO2 Pro (NGAIM '16 prize - thanks @samulis !)
Drums & Percussion :
LuxNox Perc+
NineVoltAudio TAIKO 2
NineVoltAudio Sync'd Cymbals Plus
NineVoltAudio Stickbreakers Vol. 1 & 2
NineVoltAudio Shimmer and Shake
SoundIron APE Micro
SoundIron Crystal
SoundIron Drip
TaleWeaver Ancient Crushed Cymbals
WaveFactory DrumCircle
Effects :
POD Farm 2 + FX Junkie Pack
Solo instruments :
Embertone Blakus Cello
Embertone Chapman Trumpet
Embertone Crystal Flute
Embertone Friedlander Violin
Embertone Jubal Flute
Embertone Shire Whistle
FrozenPlain Chordophone
FrozenPlain Dual Music Box
Impact Soundworks 8-string Bouzouki
Impact Soundworks Highland Harps
Impact Soundworks Kazakh Dombra
Ilya Efimov Armenian Duduk
Synths :
AudioModern Abuser
CamelAudio Alchemy Water
Heavyocity Evolve
Impact Soundworks Juggernaut
Impact Soundworks Celestia
StudioWeapon Underscore
And here I am with a pototo :C
Haha, yeah, I accumulated a lot of stuff through the years. ^^
I purchased most of my equipment in bundles or when there was huge discounts, though, so it helps a lot.